Chiayu is a ceramic maker and zoophilist originally from Taipei and is currently based in Brooklyn.
She began her creative practice through clay in 2018 and made the first cat (an embodiment of the signature sitting position from her fluffy cat ‘ona’) in the following spring, which ended up embarking on her 100 ceramicats project. The very 100th ceramicat was finally finished in 2020.
Today, she shifted her interests into transforming some of the previously 100 cats into more function-able forms, in the spirit of showing how cats can be helpful in our daily life, whereas we all understand that (most of) cats are busy being unhelpful all day.


Chiayu creates the ceramicats at her kitchen island with ona sleeping around (the best location at home to get hands dirty while easily to clean up). These ceramicats are hand built and painted, which means each of them is unique!

